Heartburn — HARMONICA.RU


Автор мелодии: Alicia Keys


-6b -6b -8   7  -6b -6b -5  -6b
let me tell you how I feel when 

-6b  -8  7   7  -5  -5 -5  -6b -6b -5
he comes a-round I get to feel-in ill

-6b -6b -8 7   7  -8 -5  -6b -6b -6b
It's a ach-y feel-in in-side my chest

 -5   -6b -6b -7 -6b -7 -5  -5 -5 -6b -6b -5
It's like I'm go-ing in-to car-di-ac ar-rest


-6b 7   7  7    7   7   7  7  7 -7
Ad-ren-al-ine rush-ing in my bod-y

-5 -5 -6b -6b -6b -6b  -6b    -7  -5
On my pow-er   I just can't fight it

 -6b  7  7   7   7  7   7   7  7  -7
Does-nt mat-ter how I keep on try-in'

-6b -8   7  7 -7 7   -7    -8   -8
I can't de-ny I got this heart-burn

 -7  -5 -6b -6b -6b
Burn-in in my soul

 -8   -7   7 -6b   7   -7
Call the fire de-part-ment

 -6b  7 -6b  -7   7
It's out of con-trol

Verse 2

 -5 -6b -6b  -8  7    -8   7
You got me trip-pin' slip-pin' 

 -5  -5 -6b  -6b -6b -6b
get-ting be-side my-self

-5 -6b   -5   7 -7  7  -7  -5
I tried some med-i-ca-tion but 

  -5  -6b -6b  -6b
don't noth-in help

-5 -6b -6b  7   7   7   7    7   7  -6b -6b -7
So I said "Doc-tor Doc-tor tell me will I die

 7   7   7       7   7   7   7 7  7
And he said, "Count to five Al-i-cia"

 -5 -6b  -5 -6b -6b  -6b
And I'm goin be all right, 

Let's go! 1,2,3,4


  -6b  -5  -6b -5 -6b -6b  -6b
Tastes so good I can't re-sist 

 7   -7   7   -7  7 -7  -8
Get-ting har-der to di-gest

  -8    9   9   9
Can't take no more

 -7 -7   7   -7  -8   -7   7   -7  -8
Got-ta shake it off, now break it down

 -7   7  -8  7  -7    7     7  -7 -6b
And take it to the ground with me now

 5  5  -5 -5 -6b 9
Ev-ry-bod-y say OOH


  7   -7   7   -7   7   -7  -8
Shake it Shake it Shake it off go head girl

  7   -7   7   -7   7   -7  -8
Shake it Shake it Shake it off oohoohooh

  7   -7   7   -7   7   -7  -8
Shake it Shake it Shake it off go head girl

Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: A

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