Dear Father — HARMONICA.RU

Dear Father

Автор мелодии: Neil Diamond
Dear Father (Diatonic)
From the Soundtrack: Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Key of C Major
Musical Range: E5 to E6

 5   -5  5   -5   6 
Dear Fa-ther we dream,
8   -5    -8   5      
we dream, we dream,
 7    5   6 
while we may.
 5  -5  5  -5  6
Who are we to need,
 8  -5   -8   5
we need, we need,
 7    5   6
while we wait –
 6    -5  6
while we wait –

spoken:  “Dear Father, we dream - ”

 5   -5  5   -5   6 
Dear Fa-ther we dream,
8   -5    -8   5      
we dream, we dream,
 7    5   6 
while we may.
 5  -5  5  -5  6
Who are we to need,
8  -5    -8  5
we need, we need,
 7    5   6
while we wait –
 6    -5  6
while we wait –
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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