No Smoke Blues — HARMONICA.RU

No Smoke Blues

Автор мелодии: Sarah Vaughan, Georgia Ambros
-10 9  -10  9  -10  9    9’  -8
Emp-ty car-tons at the drug-store

-10  9    9    9’   -8  -6
Bro-ther that ain't no joke

-10 9  -10  9  -10  9    9’  -8
Emp-ty car-tons at the drug-store

-10  9    9    9’   -8  -8
Bro-ther that ain't no joke

-6   9’   8  -9   8   9’  -10
 I bought a quart of ice cream 

-6  -6   -6   7   7  -8  8    -8   -8  
But I'd trade it for  a king-size smoke

  8   8   8    8    8   8   -8
 I've got gum, I've got liq-rish 

 8  8   -8   8  -8  8    -8   -8
Got ev-’ry-thing a girl might need  

 7    7  -6    -8  -8  9’ -8   -8
I've got gum, I've got li-quo-rish

8  8  8   -8   8  -8  8     -8    -8
I got ev-‘ry-thing a girl  might need

-6  9’  9’  9’  9’ 8   9’ 8   9’ -10
But if you hand me a twen-ty luck-y

-6 -7   -8  8    9’    -8   -8 
That'll be your day's good deed

-10    -10    -8  8  -8  8   8
I've searched in ev-‘ry ash-tray

8  8    8      8   -8   7   -8
E-ven picked butts off the floor

 -6    -7     -8  8  -8 -9   -8
I've searched in ev-‘ry ash-tray

8  8    8      8   -8   7   -8
E-ven picked butts off the floor

 -6   -7  -8   9’  8    9’  8 -10
Last night I tried to smoke a pipe

-6 -7  -8   8   8   8 -8  -8
But I won’t do that a-ny-more  

9’  8    8    8     8   8   -8
If some-one does't help me soon 

 8   8  8   8   -8  -8
I'm gon-na lose my mind

-6  -7  -8  8  -8   -9  -9  -8
If some-one does't help me soon

8   8  -8  8   8   -8
I'm gon-na lose my mind 
-6 -6  -9   -9   -9  8  -9 -10
If  I don’t get some to-bac-co 

 -6  -7   -8  8  -8  -9 -9   -8
I’ll have to use the o-ther kind
Жанр: Блюз
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: Ab

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