We Kiss In A Shadow — HARMONICA.RU

We Kiss In A Shadow

Автор мелодии: from The King And I
By Rogers & Hammerstein
From The King And I
Key: F

4   4  -3*-3  3  -3
We kiss in a sha-dow, 
-3* -3*  -3   3   1
We hide from the moon, 
-3* -3*  -3    3   1
Our meet-ings are few, 
1   1 -1   2   -2
And o-ver too soon. 

4    4  -3*-3   3  -3
We speak in a whis-per, 
-3* -3* -3 3    1
A-fraid to be heard; 
-3*  -3* -3   3   1
When peo-ple are near, 
1    1   -1  2  -2
We speak not a word. 
-3 -3  -4 -3 -2* -2*
A-lone in our se-cret, 
3   3   -3 3   2
To-geth-er we sigh, 
2   -2   3   -3  -4  4  -5  4
For one smil-ing day to be free 
4    4 -3* -3   3    -3
To kiss in the sun-light 
-3* -3* -3  3   1
And say to the sky: 
4    4    2  -2   3     4  -3* -3
"Be-hold and be-lieve what you see! 
-3  -3  -2  3  -3  4    2   -2
Be-hold how my lov-er loves me!"
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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