Brush Those Tears Away

Brush Those Tears Away

Автор мелодии: Nat King Cole
Brush Those Tears Away         Nat King Cole 

  5     -5     6    8   -8    7
Brush those tears from your eyes

-7   7  -7  7 -7 -6   
And try to re-al-ize 

 7    -6  6    7 -8   8   -8  7  -7
that the ache in my heart is for you

  5     -5    6    8   -8    7
Brush those tears from your eyes 

-7   7  -7  7 -7 -6  
And try to re-al-ize 

 7    -6   6   7   8  -8  -9  -7  7
that from now on I'll al-ways be true.

9   8  -8 7  -7  7  -8  7   -7  -6  6
I went a-way but I did-n't mean to stay.

 6  6  7    8  9   8  7  -7  -7  7  7   -8
And I will re-gret it un-til my dy-ing day.

Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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