Why Don’t You Believe Me

Why Don’t You Believe Me

Автор мелодии: Joni James, Brenda Lee, The Duprees
By: Lew Douglas, King Laney, Roy Rodde
Joni James, Brenda Lee, The Duprees
Key: G

-4   -4    4  -5  -4   -3
Why don't you be-lieve me?
 -3  -3 -4 -3 -1
It's you I a-dore, 
 3  3  -3  3  1  1
for ev-er and ev-er
-1* 2  3   -2*  2
Can I prom-ise more? 
 -4   -4   4  -5 -4 -3
I've told you so of-ten
-3  -3   -4 -3  -1
The way that I care

 3    3   -3  3    1   1
Why don't you be-lieve me?
-2* -2* 3  -3   3
It just is-n't fair

  3  -2 2  -1    2   -2  -3  3
Here is a heart that is lone-ly
  3  -2 2   -1   2  -2   3
Here is a heart you can take
 -3  3 -2*  2   -2*  3  -4 -3
Here is a heart for you on-ly
 -3  -4   3*  4*  -3  -5
That you can keep or break

-4   -4   4 -5  -4  -3
How else can I tell you?
 -3   -3  -4 -3 -1
What more can I do?
 3    3   -3  3    1   1
Why don't you be-lieve me?
-2*-2* 3  -3  3
I love on-ly you

Жанр: Поп
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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