Super Trouper v2

Super Trouper v2

Автор мелодии: Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus
Key of C Major    Range: G4 to A6  (Original score: G3 to A5)
Notations:  none = blow   - = draw  {} = optional
____ = hold/sustain  5___-4 = slide from note to note

6  6   -5    -5  5     -4  5   -5 5____-4  -4
Su-per Troup-er, beams are gon-na blind___ me.

-5 -5 5     5____-4 -4_____
But I won't feel___ blue___

-5  -5 5  5    -4____
like I al-ways do____,

-4     -4   4     -4 5   -4___4  4       4_____
'cause some-where in the crowd__ there's you___.

{-8} 7 6 7 8 9 -8
-8 8 5 -6 7 8 -7
-7 -6 5 -6 7 8 -7
-7 -6 -6 -8 -9 -10 8
8 -8 -6 -8 -9 -10 8
8 -8 -4 6 -7 -8 -6 -6 -6 6____ 

3 4   -4   5   -4    4  -4  5  6
I was sick and tired of ev-‘ry-thing

6    6 6______6  -5  -5   -5    6    5_-4 -4      
when I called___ you last night from Glas-gow.

3   4 -4 5  -4  4   -4    5   6____
All I do is eat and sleep and sing,

6    6   6   6  -5   -5  6   5____-4  -4
wish-ing ev-‘ry show was the last____ show.

-3” 4 4  -3” -3” 3   3    4  4    3      -3  4
So  i-mag-ine I  was glad to hear you're com-ing.

-3” 4   4  -3” -3”   3  3
Sud-den-ly it  feels al-right.

-3” 4    4  -3” -3” 3  3   4  
And it's gon-na be  so dif-f’rent

-4   5   -4 4   -4    5_5 6__6_____6____
when I'm on the stage to-night._________

3  4     5
To-night the

6  6   -5    -5 5      -4  5   -5 5_-4 -4
Su-per Troup-er lights are gon-na find me

-5   -5  5    5_-4 -4
shin-ing like the  sun,

-5   -5   5   5_-4  -4
smil-ing, hav-ing__ fun,

-4   4   -4   5 -4_4__4   4
feel-ing like a num - ber one.

3  4     5
To-night the

6  6   -5    -5 5     -4  5   -5 5__-4 -4
Su-per Troup-er beams are gon-na blind me.

-5 -5 5     5    -4
But I won't feel blue

-5  -5 5  5    -4
like I al-ways do,

-4     -4   4     -4 5   -4___4  4       4
'cause some-where in the crowd__ there's you.

{-8} 7 6 7 8 9 -8 
-8 8 5 -6 7 8 -7
-7 -6 5 -6 7 8 -7
-7 -6 -6 -8 -9 -10 8
8 -8 -6 -8 -9 -10 8
8 -8 -4 6 -7 -8 -6 -6 -6 6____ 

3   4   -4   5  -4    4   -4 5    6
Fac-ing twen-ty thous-and of your friends,

6   6   6 -5 -5  -5 6  5_-4 -4
how can an-y-one be so lone-ly?

3    4 -4 5   -4   4    -4  5  6
Part of a suc-cess that nev-er ends,

6     6   6     -5 -5 -5   6   5_-4 -4
still I'm think-ing a-bout you on - ly.

-3”   4   4  -3”   -3”  3 3     4   4  3   -3  4
There are mo-ments when I think I'm go-ing cra-zy,

-3” 4    4  -3” -3” 3  3
but it's gon-na be  al-right.

-3” 4    4  -3” -3” 3 3   4  
And it’s gon-na be so dif-f’rent

-4   5   -4 4   -4    5_5 6__6_____6___
when I'm on the stage to-night.________

3  4     5
To-night the

6  6   -5    -5  5      -4  5   -5 5__-4 -4
Su-per Troup-er, lights are gon-na find  me,

-5   -5  5    5_-4 -4
shin-ing like the__ sun,

-5   -5   5   5_-4  -4
smil-ing, hav-ing__ fun,

-4   4   -4   5 -4_4__4   4
feel-ing like a num-ber one.

3  4     5
To-night the

6  6   -5    -5 5     -4  5   -5 5__-4 -4
Su-per Troup-er beams are gon-na blind_ me.

-5 -5 5     5    -4
But I won't feel blue

-5  -5 5  5    -4
like I al-ways do

-4     -4   4     -4 5   -4___4  4       4
'cause some-where in the crowd__ there's you.

4  4    -3 4
So I'll be there

4    4   -3 4
when you ar-rive.

4   4     -3 4   -4   -4    4  -4 5   5    
The sight of you will prove to me I'm still 

-4 5

-5  -5   5   5    -4 -4 4    4
And when you take me in your arms

-3” -3”  3  -3”
and hold me tight,

-3” -3”  -5   -5  5  5    -4 -4   4  -4 
I   know it's gon-na mean so much to-night.______

3  4     5
To-night the

6  6   -5    -5  5      -4  5   -5 5_-4 -4
Su-per Troup-er, lights are gon-na find_ me,

-5   -5  5    5_-4 -4
shin-ing like the__ sun,

-5   -5   5   5_-4  -4
smil-ing, hav-ing__ fun,

-4   4   -4   5 -4_4__4 4
feel-ing like a num-ber one.

3  4     5
To-night the

6  6   -5    -5 5     -4  5   -5 5__-4 -4
Su-per Troup-er beams are gon-na blind me.

-5 -5 5     5    -4
But I won't feel blue

-5  -5 5  5    -4
like I al-ways do,

-4     -4   4     -4 5   -4___4  4       4
'cause some-where in the crowd__ there's you.

6   -5    -5  5     -4  5   -5 5___-4  -4
per Troup-er, beams are gon-na blind__ me.
Жанр: Поп
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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