There’s Something About That Name(Melody

There’s Something About That Name(Melody

There's Just Something About That Name
Melody Maker Key of "G"

-4 -3   -4 -3   -4   -3
Je-sus, Je-sus, Je---sus;

 -3       3   -2   -2  -2  3    -2   -3
There's just some-thing a-bout that name!

 -4  -3   -4  -3   -4   -3    -3
 Mas-ter, Sav-ior, Je---sus, Like

-3  -3    3    -3  3  -2   3
the fra-grance aft-er the rain; 

-4 -3   -4 -3   -4   -3
Je-sus, Je-sus, Je---sus, 

-3   3  -2  -2  -2    3    3   -3
Let all heav-en and earth pro-claim:

  5   -4   -4  -3    -3  -3   3  -3  3
Kings and King-doms will all pass a-way

 3    -3     4    4    4  -4  -3   -3   -2
But theres just some-thing a-bout that name.
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Melody Maker
Ключ гармошки: G

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