Too Beautiful To Last — HARMONICA.RU

Too Beautiful To Last

Автор мелодии: Engelbert Humperdinck
W: Paul Francis Farmer
M: Richard Rodney Bennett
From: Nicholas & Alexandra
Engelbert Humperdinck
Key: C

10  -9   10  9  10   -8   -7
The days of au-tumn splen-dor
8     -8   8     -7   8   7  -6
Those mo-ments, warm and ten-der
-6   6 -6   -5  -6  5  -4  5
Was it too beau-ti-ful to last
10   -9  10   9    10  -8  -7   
The love we shared to-geth-er
8     -8   8   -7    8  7   -6   
The dreams we dared to-geth-er
-6   6  -6  -5  -6  5  -4  5
Was it too beau-ti-ful to last

8     7*  -7* 8   7*
Walk-ing hand in hand
-6    7   7* -7* -10 
The dawn dis-clos-es
-9   8   -7*   7  7*-7* 7
We were dream-ing of a land
7      7* -7*-10 -9*
Where love re-pos-es
9*   8   7*   -7* 8    7* 
But cas-tles made of sand
-7   -7*  8  -9* -9  9  -9  -6  7  7*
Like win-ter ros-es are fat-ed to die
7* -7*  8     -9   7  -7 -8
My dar-lin', like you and I
-8  9  -9
My dar-lin'

10    -9    10    9   10  -8   -7
Where are those sweet Sep-tem-bers
8   -8  8   -7   8   7   -6
The joy my heart re-mem-bers
-6   6   -6 -5   -6   5 -4   5  
Lost in the shad-ows of the past
10   -9  10   9     10 -8  -7  
The rain-bow arched a-bove you
8   -8  8    -7    8   7  -6
The sa-cred words "I love you"
-6   6   -6    -5  -6  5 -4  5
Why did that dream go by so fast
8   -8  9   10  -9  9
Was it too beau-ti-ful
9   -8  9   10  -9  9  -8 -9 9
Was it too beau-ti-ful to last
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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