The Yellow Rose Of Texas (chromatic)

The Yellow Rose Of Texas (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Hoyt Axton, Asleep At The Wheel
By: J.K.
Hoyt Axton, Asleep At The Wheel
Key: A

   2   -1  1*  2   2   2  -2* 2
There's a yel-low rose in Tex-as 
2 -1 1* 2  -3   -4  4*
That I am goin’ to see, 
4*  4* 2   2   4*   4*  -4
no oth-er fel-low loves her
-3 3* -3 -4 4* -4
no-bod-y on-ly me. 
 2    1*  2   2   2  -2*  2
she cried so when I left her 
2-1 1*  2   -3   -4   4*
it like to broke my heart, 
 2  2 -5 -5 -5 -55*  5*
and if I ev-er find her  
-4 -4  2   4*   -4   -3
we nev-er more will part.

  2   -1    1*   2   -3  1*  1* 2
She’s the sweet-est rose of col-or
 -1   1*  2  -3 -4  4*
This fel-low ev-er knew
 2   2    4*   4*   4*  4*  -4
Her eyes are bright as dia-monds
 -3   3*  -3   -4   4* -4
They spar-kle like the dew
 2  -1   1*  2  2    2    -2*  2   2
You may talk a-bout your dear-est May
 2   1*  2  -3 -4  4*
And sing of Ro-sa Lee
 2   2   2  -5   -5  -5 -5  5*
But the yel-low rose of Tex-as
 -4   -3    -3   2   4* -4  -3
Beats the belles of Ten-nes-see
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: A

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