Jupiter — I vow to thee, my country

Jupiter — I vow to thee, my country

Автор мелодии: Holst
I would suggest looking this up on youtube, so that you know the

Additionlly, this was the Rugby World Cup 2003 Theme Tune

3 <-3 5 5 <-5 -5 <-3 <-5 -6 <-5 -5 5 -5 5 <-3 3 

3 <-3 5 5 <-5 -5 <-3 <-5 -6 7 7 7-6 <-5 -6 <-5

<-7 7 -6 -6 <-5 7 -6 <-3 <-7 7 -6 -6 7 <-7 9

9 -9 <-9 -9 9 <-7 <-9 7 -6 <-5 -6 7 <-7

7 <-7 9 9 <-9 -9 <-7 <-9 -10 <-9 -9 9 -9 9 <-7 7

7 <-7 9 9 <-9 -9 <-7 <-9 -10 11 11 11 -10 <-9 -10 <-9
Жанр: Классика
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Сложность: Средняя
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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