The Rose Of Tralee

The Rose Of Tralee

Автор мелодии: W P Mulchinock
The Rose of Tralee
Words and Music William Penbroke Mulchinock
Sung By John Mc Cormack
3/4 timing For Melody Maker Key Of G
G                           C        G
-4  -4   5    -4  -7  -6  6  6   4   5 
The Pale moon was ri-sing a-bove the green 
5    -4   5   -4  5   -4  -4  6   6  6  
Moun-tain the sun was de-cli-ning be-neath 
         D7          G
-5  6    -6   -4   -4  -4    5    -4  -7
the blue sea Where I strayed with my love
       C             G
-6 6   6    4    5   5    -4   5
To the pure cry-stal foun-tain That
C             G
-4     7  7   -7   6  5
Stands in the beau-ti-ful
D7          G7
-4   -7 -6   6  6   -6
Vale of Tra-lee.She was 
-7   -7 7   -7   -7 -6 
Love-ly and fair as the 
B                        Em
6    -5 5   -4  -3  -7  -7    6   7   -7   -7
Rose of the sum-mer.But t'was not her beau-ty
-6 6   -6   -5  5   -4
A-lone that won me. Ah
G                    C              G  
-4 5    -4  -7    -6 6   6   4  5   5    -4    
No Twas the truth in her eyes e-ver shin-ing
      C           G         D7          G
5   -4    7   7   -7 6  5   -4   -7 -6  6
That made me love Ma-ry the Rose of Tra-lee

For Further verses go to;ttTRALEE.html
Тип гармошки: Melody Maker
Сложность: Средняя
Ключ гармошки: G

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