The Lord Has Placed a King (tremolo)

The Lord Has Placed a King (tremolo)

Автор мелодии: Stephen Pearson
This is tabbed for a 24 hole Echo Celeste tremolo
 4   5   -5    -5  -4  -4
The Lord has placed a King
5 5   4  4 -3  -3     4   5   -5   -5
Upon His holy hill.  The Lord has said
  -4  -4 5   5    4   4 -3  -3
“This is my Son, the chosen one.”
4   7    7  -6   6    5    6 6  -6
So serve ye the Lord with rejoicing
 6  -5     4 7   7   -6  6    5   6 6
And awe.  Submit to the Son, and submit
-6  6   -5
To your God.

Verse 2:
Behold ye people of the earth
Who plot in vain:  The whole of earth is
Given to the Son of reign. So serve ye
The Lord with rejoicing and awe
Submit to the Son, and submit to your God.

Verse 3:
The Lord has placed a King
Upon His holy hill.  The Lord has said
“This is my Son, the chosen one.”
So serve ye the Lord with rejoicing
And awe.  For blessed are the people
Who trust in God
 5    -4  5
Trust in God
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Тремоло
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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