EVIL (Is Going On)

Автор мелодии: Willie Dixon, Howling Wolf, Jeff Healey Band
EVIL (Is Going On)
Willie Dixon, Howling Wolf,
Jeff Healey Band
Key: G

7    7    7  7    7   -6  -6 7
If you’re a long way from home,

  7    -6   -5   7
Can't sleep at night.

 7    -5  -6 -5  -6
Grab your tel-e-phone;

 7    -5    7    -6   -5 3
Some-thing just ain't right.
      C7                      G7
 -3*   -55-3*3 -6 -5  3 -3* 3  3
That's e- vil, e-vil is go-ing on.
      D7                    C7
3 -4  5    5   5    5   -5
I am warn-ing you broth-er,
 3  -3* -3*  -6    -5  -3*  3   3
You bet-ter watch your hap-py home.

You make it to your house,
Knock on the front door,
Run 'round to the back;
You'll catch him just before he goes.
That's evil, evil is going on.
I have warned you brother,
You better watch your happy home.

If you call on the telephone
And she answers long and slow,
Grab the first thing smoking
And you have to haul her home.
That's evil, evil is going on wrong.
I have warned you brother,
You better watch your happy home.
Жанр: Блюз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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