

Автор мелодии: Ry Cooder, Keith Urban
W: Cecil Mack & Lew Brown
M: Ford Dabney
Ry Cooder, Keith Urban
Key: Eb

 -3* -3* 4   -5    4   -3*
Shine a-way your blues-ies.
 -3*    -3*   4    -5    4   -3*
Shine, start with your shoes-ies
  3    -3   -4   3
Shine each place up,
 4   -5  -5*  -5   4
Make it look like new
 -2    3    -3  -2
Shine your face up,
-3*  4  -5   4  -3*
Wear a smile or two
 -3*   -3*   4   -5    4   -3*   
Shine your these and those-ies
  3     3    -3  -4 3   -3
You’ll find that ev-ry-thing
 -4   4   -5   -5*
Will turn out fine
 -5    5    -5   4  3* -2
Folks will shine up to ya
4  -3*  4  -3*   4 -3* 3* 3
Ev-‘ry-one will how-dy do ya
  -2    3    3*   4    -3*   -5*
You’ll make the whole world shine
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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