You’ve Got It Bad Girl

You’ve Got It Bad Girl

Автор мелодии: Stevie Wonder
By: Yvonne Wright 
Stevie Wonder
Key: C

-6*  -6* -6*  7* -6* 7* -7  -7
When you be-lieve in a feel-ing, 
  6     -7  -8  -7   7    -7  7  -6*
that's hold-ing you back from my love, 
 -5   -6*   -6* -5  6   -7
Then you've got it bad girl, 
 -6*   -6* -5  6   -7
you've got it bad girl 

 -6* -6* -6* 7* -6* 7*  -7  -7
When you in-sist on ex-clud-ing 
 6  -7  -8   -7    7    -7 7  -6*
The ten-der-ness that's in my kiss, 
 -5   -6*   -6* -5  6   -7
Then you've got it bad girl, 
 -6*   -6* -5  6   -7
you've got it bad girl 

7* -6*  7*  6  5*  5*  6  6  7  7
If you try to dis-play an e-mo-tion, 
 -6*  6   -6* -5-4 -4  -5  -6*
That will con-tra-dict it-self, 
 7* -6*   7*   5*    5*   6    7*  7
You will find your heart just sit-ting 
-6*  6 -6*-4-6* -6*7*-6*7* -7
Like a sta- tue on a  shelf, 
-6*7* -7   -6* 7* -77*-6*
on a shelf, on a shelf 

 -6*   -6* -6* 7* -6* 7* -7  -7
Should you de-pend on an out-let, 
   6     -7   -8 -7  7   -7  7   -6*
Through which an es-cape can be found, 
 -5    -6*  -6* -5  6   -7
Then you've got it bad girl, 
 -6*   -6* -5  6   -7
you've got it bad girl 
-6*-6*  -6*   7*   -6*   7* -7  -7 
If you don't see there's no way out, 
 6   -7 -8  -7  7   -7     7  -6*
Just no way of get-ting ‘round me, 
 -5   -6*   -6* -5  6   -7
Then you've got it bad girl, 
 -6*   -6* -5  6   -7
you've got it bad girl 

 7*  -6* 7* 6  5*   5*  6 6   7   7 
Yes, you know the plans I am mak-ing, 
-6* 6   -6* -5 -4 -4   -5  -6* 
Are in-tend-ed to cap-ture you, 
7* -6*  7*   5*    5*  6  7*   7
So you prac-tice false re-ac-tions, 
-6* 6 -6* -6*  -6*   7*-7
To de-lay the things I do, 
-6*  -6*   7*-7
the things I do, 
 -6*   7*-77*-6*   
things I  do.
 -6*   -6* -5  6   -7    -6*   -6* -5  6 
You've got it bad girl, you've got it bad 

   7*  -6* 7*  5*  5* 6   7    7 
There's no re-ward in de-tour-ing 
-6*6-6* -5-4 -4-5-6*
My deep sin-cer-i-ty. 
7* -6*   7*   5*   5*    6     7*   7
Es-pec-‘lly since what you're feel-ing, 
-6*6-6* -6* -6*  -6* 7*-6*-7 
Is  per-fect-ly clear to  me, 
 -6*  7* -7   -6*  7* -7
clear to me, clear to me 

5* -6*  -6* -6*  7* -6* 7*  -7  -7
Be-fore you dis-cov-er the feel-ing, 
  6     -7   -8 -7 7 -7  7  -6*
You've tried ver-y hard to hide, 
 -5   -6*   -6* -5  6   -7
Then You've got it bad girl, 
 -6*   -6* -5  6   -7
you've got it bad girl 

-6*  -6* -6* -6*  7*  -6*  7* -7    -7
But when you can find just a small space, 
6  -7  -8  -7   7   -7  7    -6*
To let my love live in your mind, 
 -5   -6*    -6* -5  6    -7
Then you'll have it good girl, 
 -6*   -6*  -5  6    -7
you'll have it good girl
Жанр: Соул
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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