Rose Of Washington Square

Rose Of Washington Square

Автор мелодии: Benny Goodman, Pee Wee Russell
W: Ballard Mac Donald
M: James F. Hanley
From: “Thoroughly Modern Millie”
Benny Goodman, Pee Wee Russell
Key: Bb

 -1  -2  -3  -2  -3    3
Rose of Wash-ing-ton Square, 
-2 -3  -2 -3  3
a flow-er so fair, 
  -2    1    1*  -1   -2   3   -3*
should blos-som where the sun shines 
 -5    5  -5  5   -3*  3   3
Rose, for na-ture did not mean, 
 -3  -3*   -3    -3*  3   3
that you should blush un-seen,
-3 -3* -4    4    3   -3*  -3   3  -2
but be the queen, of some fair gar-den 
 -1    -2  -3  -2 -3  3
Rose, I'll nev-er de-part, 
-2   -3   -2  -3    3
but dwell in your heart, 
 -2   2   -2  4
your love to care, 
 -3*  -3   -3* -5   -5
I'll bring the sun-beams 
 5   -3*  -5   5  -5  5
from the Heav-ens to you, 
-3*  -3  -3   3   -2
and give you kiss-es 
 3    -3   3   -3   3
that spar-kle with dew, 
-2  -3* -5  5   -3*  3   -3*
my Rose of Wash-ing-ton Square.
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Bb

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