Girlfriend (chromatic)

Girlfriend (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Matthew Sweet
By: Matthew Sweet
Key: D

-5 -5  -5  -5  -4-3 -3 -4
I want to love some-bod-y
-5 -5  -5   -6   -6   6  6  6  6-5
I hear you need some-bod-y to love
 -3  -6  -6  -6  -6  -5 5  5 -5
Well, I want to love some-bod-y
-5 -5    -5    5    5   5   -5  -5  -5  -5
I hear you're look-ing for some-one to love

  -3   -4   -5  -4 -5  -6
'Cause you need to be back
-6 -6   6   -3 -4 -5   -4 -3
In the arms of a good friend
-3 -4  -5  -4 -5  -6
And I need to be back
-6 -6   6   -3 -4 -5   -4 -5
In the arms of a girl-friend

-6 -6 -5   -5  -4 -3 -4
I did-n't know no-bod-y
-5   -5 -5 -6  -6   6   6  6  6-5
And then I saw you com-ing my way
 -3  -6 -6  -6   -6 -55  5 -5
Well, I did-n't know no-bod-y
-5   -5 -5  5  5-5 -5  -5  -5 -5
And then I saw you com-ing my way

 -3   -4   -5  -4 -5  -6
Don't you need to be back
-6 -6   6   -3 -4 -5  -4 -3
In the arms of a good friend?
-3    -3    -3  -3  -4  -5   -4
Oh, 'cause, hon-ey, be-lieve me
-5   -6   -6  -6  6   -3  -4  -5  -4 -5
I'd sure love to call you my girl-friend

-3   -4   -5  -4 -5  -6
Don't you need to be back
-6 -6   6   -3 -4 -5  -4 -3
In the arms of a good friend?
-3    -3    -3  -3  -4  -5   -4
Oh, 'cause, hon-ey, be-lieve me
-5   -6   -6  -6  6   -3  -4  -5  -4 -5
I'd sure love to call you my girl-friend

  -3   -6  -6 -5  -6   -6   -6 -5   -5 -6
'Cause you got a good thing go-ing, ba-by
-5  -5 -5  -6   -6   6  6  6  -5
You on-ly need some-bod-y to love
 -3    7   7  7  7     7   7  -6*
Well, you got a good thing go-ing
  -5   -5 -5  5    5   5   -5  -5  -5 -5-4-3
You're on-ly look-ing for some-one to love
  -3   -4   -5  -6 3   -6
'Cause you need to be back
-6 -6   6   -3 -4 -5    -5
In the arms of a good friend
-6  -6  -7  -5 -5  -5 -6  -6   6
And I'm nev-er gon-na set you free
-5  -5   5  -5 -5  -5 -6  -5   -5
No, I'm nev-er gon-na set you free
Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: D

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