OldxToyxTrains Cross Harp

OldxToyxTrains Cross Harp

Автор мелодии: Roger Miller
Key G cross harp to C Harp The song got tough
          G                    D7
 3  -3B  -3     3   4   -3   -3B~ -3B  -3  3
Old Toy Trains-lit-tle toy-tracks lit-tle toy- 
     C                 D                    G
  3~      2  2  3   3  -3B R   3   3   -3B-3B 3
drums-- com-in from a sack   car-ried by a man
                      C             G 
  -3    -4   -3   -3  4   3   3  -3B-3B -3~   -3
dressed in white and red Lit-tle-boy  don't- you
              D7              G
   -3   3    -3B -3B -3B  -2B 3      -3   -4
 think it's time you were in bed   Close your
  D7                             C      
  -4   4 -4 -3B R -1  -2B-3B -4  4  -3 -3B 3 -3B
 eyes----------- Lis-ten to the skies...........
G                 Em             A7
-3   R R   -3 -3B -3   R  -3 3   2      2   
---       All is calm    all is well   soon
                  D               Em        D 
 2     -2B   3    -3B  -3B-3B  -3B 3   2~1  -1
you'll hear Kris Krin-gle and the jin-gle- bell
            D7             G                   
1     1   -3 -3  -3B~  -3~     -3  4 -3    -3B
bring-in lit-tle toy- trains- lit-tle toy-tracks
 D                 C                  D
-3B -3B  -3 -3B  -2~    2 2   3   3  -3B
--- lit-tle toy-drums-com-in from a sack...
              G                         C
 3    3  -3B-3B -3   -4    -4  -3   -3  4
car-ried by a man dressed in white and red 
               G                 D7
3    3 -3B  -3~  -3   -3   3   -3B  -3B   -3B 
Lit-le boy-don't you think it's time you were
-2B  3  
in  bed
Жанр: Рождественские
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Средняя
Ключ гармошки: G

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