Not Alone

Автор мелодии: Before Their Eyes
6     6  -6    -7
When she was young,
-8   -8  -8  7  -7    6
she was li-ving the dream.
6    6   -6   -7
Wor-ries were gone,
6   6   -6   -7
no-thing was wrong,
-7  -7  -7 -7 7   -6
at all or so it seemed.

6   6  -6  -7
Rea-li-ty stung,
-8   -8   -8  7   -7  6
whis-key bot-tle was dry.
6    6  -6    -7
Dad-dy would scream,
6      6 -6  -7   -7
cause he is dis-eased
-7   -7   -7  -7  7   -6
and haun-ted all the time.

-7   -6    6    -7 -6
Big girls don't cr-y.
-7   -6    6    -8 -7
Big girls don't cr-y.

6   -6  -7
It goes on, 
-7   -7    -6    6   -6
til some-thing hap-pens.
6    -7 -7 -7 -7  -7  -6  -6
You got-ta go face it to-day.
6     -6    -7
When you're gone,
-7   -6   6   -6
no-thing mat-ters.
6    -7 -7   -7  -7   7 -7  -6
You got-ta stop run-ning a-way.

6    -6
6   -8  -8  -8  6
So what do you do?
6   -8  -8    -6
Got-ta break through.
-8    7 -7  -6   6
Make it on your own.
6   -6  -7
It goes on,
-7  -7  -6     6    -6    -6
but I thought you should know,
-7     -6  6  6
you're not a-lone.

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