Lonesome Tree — HARMONICA.RU

Lonesome Tree

Автор мелодии: Percy Faith
This is the theme of the US Western TV series "The Virginian" or
"The Men from Shiloh", 1962-1971. In Germany known as "Die Leute
von der Shiloh Ranch".
22222 or 44444 a.s.o. play very fast. -3'' =draw 3 double bend; so I
hope :).

 22222  22222 22222
 2 -3'' 4 5 -4 4 -3 -3'' -2 2  -3 -3''
 44444  44444  44444
 4 5 6 6
 5 6 -6 -6  6 7
 4  444 5 6 -5 -4 4
 5 6 -6
 4 5 6
 4 5 -4 4 -3 -3'' 
-6 7 8 -8 7 -7 -6 6 5 -7 -6
 44444  44444  44444
 4 5 6 6
 5 6 -6 -6
-6-6-6-6-6  -6-6-6-6-6  -6-6-6-6-6......
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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