Love Is A Simple Thing

Love Is A Simple Thing

Автор мелодии: Carmen McCrae
W: June Carroll
M: Arthur Siegel
Carmen McCrae
Key: C

2    2 -2  2  -1    1
Love is a sim-ple thing, 
-1   -1 2 -2   3   -3
love is a sil-ver ring,
3  -2* 3 -3  3  -2   2
Shi-ny as a rib-bon bow, 
-2   -2 3 -3  -4  4
soft as a qui-et snow.
-5   -5 5 -5  -5  4  3
Love is a nur-ser-y rhyme, 
-4  -4 -3   -4  -3  -1
old as the tick of time.
2     2 -2  2 -1   1
Love is so man-y things, 
-1     -1 2  -2   3    -3
bright as an an-gel’s wings,
3   -2* 3  -3   3   -2    2
Gen-tle as the morn-ing light, 
-2   -2 3 -3   -4     4 
long as a win-ter’s night.
-5     -5   5 -5    4     3
Love makes an old heart sing
-3* -3  -2   -2  3  -2   2  -1
And it fills ev-‘ry emp-ty space;
3    3 -3   3  -2    2
Love is a warm-ing place,
4    -3-4  4  -5    4
Love is a sim-ple thing.
Жанр: Любовные
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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