This Is New

This Is New

Автор мелодии: from: "Ladies First"
W: Ira Gershwin
M: Kurt Weill
From: “Ladies First”
Key: Ab

-2  -2*  3  -2 -1*  1* -1* -2  3   3
This is new, I was mere-ly ex-ist-ing.
4     3 -2   -1*  1*  1  *1 -1*  -2
This is new, and I'm liv-ing at last.
-2*  -2 -2     -1*  -1 -1* -2*  1*    1
Head to toe, you’ve got me so spell-bound.
2  -1*   -1* 1* 1 1*   2  2  3*  -4   -3*
I don’t know if I am heav-en or hell-bound.
-2  -2*  3   -2-1* 1* -1* -2  3    3
This is new, is it Ve-nus in-sist-ing,
3*   -3*    4     -3*  3*  3   3*-3*  4
That I'm through with the shad-ow-y past?
4* 4    4  -3* -3 -3* 4  4*  -5
I am hurled Up to an-oth-er world
-5*    3   3*   4*   4   -4 -3*  3*
Where life is bliss and this is new.

Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Ab

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