Lonely Woman

Lonely Woman

Автор мелодии: Horace Silver
W: Leonard Feather
M: Horace Silver
Key: Gb

-3*-7*  -7*  -7*  -7*
In one room deep gloom
-7*  -8  -7* -7   -7*  8*  -7*  7*  -7*
Shel-ter-ing her from joys she once knew
  7*   7* -6* 7* -7* -6* -5*
There sits a lone-ly wom-an
-6* -6  -6* -6  -5*  -3*  -6
Be-liev-ing her life is through
  5*   -5   8*   -8    8*  -7*  -3*
Though she once lived for laugh-ter
 -7*  -7*  -7* -7*
Days bring no spring
-7* -8 -7*  -7 -7*  8*  -7* 7* -7*
Win-ter is here to stay for a while
 7*    7*   -6*  7*  -7* -6* -5*
Too drained of tears for cry-ing
 -6*  -6 -5* 5*  -3* -6
She’s too a-lone to smile
 8*  -7* -7* -6* -6* -5
Long-ing for her lov-er
 -10  9*  9* -7*  -7*  -6*
Wish that I could tell her
 -9*  -8   7*  6   -5*
Griev-ing too can pass
 5* 5   5*   -6*  5*   -5   8*
And so this mood soon will lift
 -8  8* -7*  7*   -7* -7*   -7*   -7*
Like a veil then some day she’ll stray
-7*  -8  -7* -7  -7*   8*  -7* 7*  -7*
Far from the som-ber world of the past
7*  7* -6* 7* -7* -6* -5*
No more a lone-ly wom-an
 -6*   -6  -6* -5*  5* -3* -6
She’ll fol-low the sun at last
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F#

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