I’ll Be Around

I’ll Be Around

Автор мелодии: The Mills Brothers, Frank Sinatra
By: Alec Wilder
The Mills Brothers, Frank Sinatra
Key: C

 3   4  3   2
I'll be a-round,
1  -1   2   2  -1    2   -2 -2
No mat-ter how you treat me now
 3   4 -3  -2    1    2  1
I'll be a-round from now on.
 3    4   3   2    1  -1  2   2
Your lat-est love can nev-er last,
-1   2    -2   -2
And when it’s past,
 3   4 -3  -2    1     2   1
I'll be a-round when he's gone

 1    1* -1 -3
Good-bye a-gain,
 1  1*  1*  -1 -1  -2   2    4
And if you find a love like mine
 -3   3* -3   6
Just now and then,
 -5  4  -3  -3  4   -3     4   -3   2
Drop a line to say you’re feel-ing fine

-2   3     4    3    2
And when things go wrong
 1   -1    2     2
Per-haps you'll see
  -1     2   -2  -5
You're meant for me
-4   3  -5 4  -3    1    2    1
So I'll be a-round when he's gone.

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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