Lilac Wine

Lilac Wine

Автор мелодии: James Shelton
Performed by, Jeff Buckley, Nina Simone, Elkie Brooks. For beginners
this is set high on the register but play gently and it will come
through. Original score is Bb 4/4 time sig. with a key change for 1&2
verse. I have tabbed it accordingly, you can use any key Harmonica

 I /lost my-self on a cool damp night/
-6   -6  -6  -6 -6 -6  7    -6   -6

 I gave my-self in that mis-ty light. Was /
-6  -6  -6  -6  -6  -6   7  -6  -6~~~  -6

 hyp-no-tized- by  a strange de-light /
  -7 -7  -7~~~ -7 -7   -8    -7  -7

 un  -  der-    a li-lac /tree    /
 8~~~~~ 8~~    -7  7  -7   -6

 I made wine- from the li-lac tree /
 5  5    -6~~  -6  -6   7 -6   -6

 ^ put my heart in it's re-ci-pe-- /
   -6  -6  -6   -6  -6   7 -6 -6~~~

 Makes me see- what I want to see- and /
  -7   -7  -7~~ -7 -7  -8  -7  -7~~ -7

 be--- what I want to be---/--   /
  8~~~~ 8  -8  7   -7 7~~~~~~~ 

 When I think more than I want to think- and/
  8   9   9    9    -9  8  8   -9  -9~~~~ 8

 do things I ne-ver should do---  I /
 -9   -9   8 -9  8    -8    8~~~~ 8

 drink much more-than I ought to drink- be-/
   9    9   9~~~  -9  8  8    -9 -9~~~  8

 cause it brings me back you-/--   /    /    /
  -9   -9   -9   8   -8   8~~~~~

Key change here:-
 //: 1. Li-lac wine-/---    / is sweet  and-/
        4   -4  5~~~~~~~      -4   4    -4~~~
     2.          li-/lacwine/ is sweet  and-/
                 5~~~~~~~~~   -4   4    -4~~~  

 - hea-dy-- /like my love---/--  /  Li-lac wine-/
 - hea-dy--/where's my love-/--  /  Li-lac wine-/
~~  5  -4     5    -4  6~~~~~~~~    -5  6  -6~~~

 --  / I feel-  un-/-stea dy--  like--/
 --  / I feel-  un-/-stea dy-- where's/
~~~    6  -5    6~~~~ -6  6~~~   -6~~~~

 --my love--/---//Lis-ten to me I can- not see /
--my love--/---//Lis-ten to me why is ev-rything/
~~ 6   7~~~~~~~    7  -6  6 -6  7  -6  -6    6  

 clear-ly-  is-nt that she--/(1st)com-ing to me /
  7 -6  6~~ 7  6   6    6~~~       7   6  6  6
 so-- ha-zy   is-nt that she--/ (to 2nd end)  
  7  -6  6~~~~ 7 6   6    6~~~

 near--ly/here--:// (back to 2.)
  -6~~~ 6  -4~~

 (2nd) or am I just go-ing/cra---zy/dear  //
       -7  6 6  6   6   6  -6~~~~6   -4~~

     Li-/-lac wine-- /  I feel--/un-rea-dy for-/
     4    -4   5~~~~   -4   4   -4~~-5  5~~5 -4

 --my love-- /  feel----/un-rea dy---/---for my/
 4 -3  4~~~      5       -5  7  7~~~~~~~~ 7-7 7


Yours Harmusman
Жанр: 70-е
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих

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