If Ever I Would Leave You (chromatic) — HARMONICA.RU

If Ever I Would Leave You (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Andy Williams, Robert Goulet
W: Alan Jay Lerner
M: Frederick Loewe
Andy Williams, Robert Goulet
From: “Camelot”
Key: Bb

-3* 5 -5 -3  -3*   5   -5
If Ev-er I would Leave You 
-4   5   -5 -5* -6 -5  -6
it would-n`t be in sum-mer   
 5  -5  -5* -6 -5* -6  7 -7 -7*   8   -9
See-ing you in sum-mer I nev-er would go 
 -9   -9    -7*     7   -7*  -7*
Your hair streaked with sun-light   
 8    8   -7  -6  -7
Your lips red as flame 
 -7*  -7*  7  -5* 7   7
Your face with a lus-ter 
 5    -5   -5* -6   5 
that puts gold to shame 
-3* 5  -5  -3 -3*  5   -5
But if I`d ev-er leave you 
-4   5   -5 -5* -6 -5  -6
it could-n`t be in Au-tumn     
 5  -5   -5*  -6 -5* -6
How I`d leave in Au-tumn 
7 -7  -7* 8    -9
I nev-er will know 
 -9   -9  -7*  7   -7* -7*
I`ve seen how you spar-kle 
 8    8    -7   7  -7
when fall nips the air 
-7*-7*  7  -5* 7  7    5 -5  -5* -5  -3*
I know you in Au-tumn and I must be there 
-3   -3*  5  -5   -5  -5   -5
And could I leave you run-ning 
-5  -5 -5   -5     6   -6*
Mer-ri-ly through the snow 
5* -5 6 -6* -6* -6* -6*
Or on a win-try eve-ning 
 -6* -6*   7   -7 -6*  7    -7
when you catch the fi-re`s glow 

-3* 5 -5 -3  -3*   5   -5
If Ev-er I Would Leave You  
-4    5   -5 -5*-6  -5     -6
How could it be in Spring-time  
 5   -5  -5* -6  -5*
Know-ing how in Spring 
-6  7    -7   -7*  8  -9
I`m be-witched by you so 
-9 -9 -7*  7   -7*   -7*
Oh no not in Spring-time 
-7*  8  -9  -7* -6* -7*
Sum-mer Win-ter or Fall 
-7* 8  -9  -7  -7*  8   -9  -7 -7*
No nev-er could I leave you at all
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Bb

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