Hanging By A Moment

Hanging By A Moment

Автор мелодии: Lifehouse
By: Jason Wade
Key: Db

 7*   -6*  -6   -5*  -6
Des-p’rate for chang-ing 
  7*  -7* -6-5* -5*
Starv-ing for truth 
 5*  7*  7* 7*  -6* -6  -5*  -6
I'm clos-er to where I start-ed 
 3*  -5* -5* -5* -6  5* 
I’m chas-ing af-ter you 
 3* -6*  -6 -5* 5* -5* -5*  -5*  5*  -6
I'm fall-ing ev-en more in love with you 
-6*  -6 -5* 5* -5* -5*  -5*  5* 5*
Let-ting go of all I've held on-to 
 5*  -6*  -6  -5*  5* -5* -5* -5*  -6  -6
I'm stand-ing here un-til you make me move 
 5*  -6* -6 -5* 5*-5* -5* -5*   5*   5*  
I'm hang-ing by a mo-ment here with you 

 3*  7*  7*  -6* -6  -5*  -6
For-get-ting all I'm lack-ing 
 3*  7*   7* -7*-6-5* -5*
Com-plete-ly in-com-plete 
 3*   7*   7* -6* -6 -5* -6
I'll take your in-vi-ta-tion 
-5*  -5* -5* -6 7*  
You take all of me.

 7*  7* -10* -10 -9*9* -9*
Now I'm fall-ing ev-en more 
-9* -9*  9*  -10
in love with you 
-10* -10 -9*9* -9* -9*   -9* 9* 9*
Let-ting go of all I've held on-to 
 7*  -10* -10 -9*  9* -9* -9* -9*  9*  -10
I'm stand-ing here un-til you make me move 
 7*  7*   7* 7* 9*-9* -9*  -9*  9*   9*
I'm hang-ing by a mo-ment here with you 
 9* -10*-10 -9*  9* -9*-9* -9*  9* -10
I'm liv-ing for the on-ly thing I know 
-10 -10* -10 -9*  9*  -9*  -9*   -9*  9* 9*
I'm run-ning and not quite sure where to go 
 9*-10* -10 -9*   9*  -9* -9* -9* 9* -10
And I don't know what I'm div-ing in-to 
 7*   7*   7* 7* 9*-9* -9*  -9*  9*   9*
Just hang-ing by a mo-ment here with you 

  -10   -10* -10 -9*  9*  9*
There's noth-ing else to lose 
   9*    9*   9*  9*  9* 9*-9*-10
There's noth-ing else to   find 
  -10   -10* -10 -9* 9*  -9*
There's noth-ing in the world 
 9*    9*    9*   9* 9*-9*-10
That could change my   mind 
-10* -10 -9*   9*  9*
There is noth-ing else 
-10* -10 -9*   9*  9*
There is noth-ing else 
-10* -10 -9*   9*  9*
There is noth-ing else 

 7*   -6*  -6   -5*  -6
Des-p’rate for chang-ing 
  7*  -7* -6-5* -5*
Starv-ing for truth 
 5*  7*  7* 7*  -6* -6  -5*  -6
I'm clos-er to where I start-ed 
 3*  -5* -5* -5* -6  5* 
I’m chas-ing af-ter you 
 3* -6*  -6 -5* 5* -5* -5*  -5*  5*  -6
I'm fall-ing ev-en more in love with you 
-6*  -6 -5* 5* -5* -5*  -5*  5* 5*
Let-ting go of all I've held on-to 
 5*  -6*  -6  -5*  5* -5* -5* -5*  -6  -6
I'm stand-ing here un-til you make me move 
 5*  -6* -6 -5* 5*-5* -5* -5*   5*   5*  
I'm hang-ing by a mo-ment here with you 

 7* -10* -10 -9*9* -9*
I'm fall-ing ev-en more 
-9* -9*  9*  -10
in love with you 
-10* -10 -9*9* -9* -9*   -9* 9* 9*
Let-ting go of all I've held on-to 
 7*  -10* -10 -9*  9* -9* -9* -9*  9*  -10
I'm stand-ing here un-til you make me move 
 7*  7*   7* 7* 9*-9* -9*  -9*  9*   9*
I'm hang-ing by a mo-ment here with you 
 9* -10*-10 -9*  9* -9*-9* -9*  9* -10
I'm liv-ing for the on-ly thing I know 
-10 -10* -10 -9*  9*  -9*  -9*   -9*  9* 9*
I'm run-ning and not quite sure where to go 
 9*-10* -10 -9*   9*  -9* -9* -9* 9* -10
And I don't know what I'm div-ing in-to 
 7*   7*   7* 7* 9*-9* -9*  -9*  9*   9*
Just hang-ing by a mo-ment here with you
Жанр: Поп
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C#

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