Different Worlds

Different Worlds

Автор мелодии: from: Angie
W: Norman Gimbel
M: Charles Fox
From the TV show Angie
Key: C
-7   7   -6   6
Let the time flow, 
7   -6   -6   6
Let the love grow, 
-8   8   -8    -7
Let the rain show’r, 
6    5   6    -5
Let the rose flow’r. 

7    7    7
Love it seeks, 
7    7   -7   5
and love it finds, 
7    7   7    7
Love it con-quers, 
8    -7   7
Love it binds. 

-4   7  -6  6   -5  -8
We come to each oth-er 
-5   -3*    5     5
from dif-f’rent worlds. 
7     -6  -5* -5 -7*
Drawn to each oth-er 
-5 -3*  -3*  4  4  -3* 4
by the love in-side of us. 
-5  -7* 7*  -5* -6  7
We give to each oth-er 
8    7   -7     -7
our dif-f’rent worlds. 
-7   -7  7  6  7  -7
Long as we can do it, 
-6*     6   -6* 7    -7    -8    8   -8  
Life, we’re gon-na breeze right thru it. 
-7*  7* 7*-5* -6
Let the time flow, 
7*  -6*  -6*  -6
Let the love grow, 
8    8*  8    -7*
Let the rain show’r, 
-6  -5   -6   -5*
Let the rose flow’r. 
7*   7*   7*
Love it seeks,
7*  -7*   5* 
Love it finds, 
-7   -7 -7   -7
Love it con-quers, 
-7   -8  -5
Love it binds. 
-7   -7  -7
Love it seeks, 
-7   -9  -8  -7
And love it finds, 
-7   -7 -7   -7
Love it con-quers, 
-7   -8  -5
Love it binds.
-7   -7  -7
Love it seeks,
-7   -9  -8 -9-9*-9-7*
And love it   finds
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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