Tears Of Rage

Tears Of Rage

Автор мелодии: Bob Dylan, The Band
By Bob Dylan
The Band
Key: C

6   6    6  65-33 7  7   -7
We car-ried  you in our arms 
5  -5  6   5    5  -5  
on In-de-pend-ence Day
-3* -3*  -5     -5   5 -6 -6 6-55
And now you'd throw us all a-side 
-3   4  4   6  5  67-7
and put us on our way 
7    7     7    7    6     7    6  -775
Oh, what dear daugh-ter 'neath the sun 
5      -5   6  5  5   -5
could treat a fa-ther so? 
-3* -5  -5 -5 -5   -6  -6  6-55 
To wait up-on him hand and foot 
5   5   5    6    5  67-7
and al-ways tell him “No.”

6     6    6     8   8    7
Tears of rage, tears of grief 
-5   -5 -5 6  -665 7   8    8
Why must I al-ways be the thief? 
6    6  6   6    6    6    -5  -7 -55
Come to me now, you know we're so low
-3    4  6  6-3*-3
And life is brief 

It was all very painless
When you went out to receive 
All that false instruction
Which we never could believe 
And now the heart is filled with gold
As if it was a purse 
But, oh, what kind of love is this
Which goes from bad to worse?
We pointed you the way to go
And scratched your name in sand
Though you just thought it was nothing more
Than a place for you to stand 
I want you to know that while we watched
You discovered no one would be true 
And I myself was among
The ones who thought
It was just a childish thing to do
Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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