But Beautiful — HARMONICA.RU

But Beautiful

Автор мелодии: Barbra Streisand, Frank Sinatra
By: Johnny Burke, James Van Heusen
Barbra Streisand, Billie Holiday
Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra
Key: G

 1*  -1 -3  -3  3  -2*  -2
Love is fun-ny, or it's sad,
-1*  2  -4  -4  -3  3*   3
Or it's qui-et, or it's mad.
 -2* 3  -5   -5    -4  -3* -3
It's a good thing, or it's bad,
 3*  -4  -4 -4
But beau-ti-ful...

 -4  -4 -4  -3  -5 -4  -3
Beau-ti-ful to take a chance
 3  4  -3   3    -2*  -4
And if you fall, you fall,
-1  -1*   2    2
And I'm think-ing, 
3  -4    3   -2* 2  -3
I would-n't mind at all.

 1*  -1  -3  -3   3   -2* -2
Love is tear-ful, or it's gay,
 -1* 2  -4  -4   -3  3*   3
It's a prob-lem, or it's play.
 -2* 3  -5    -5   -4 -3* -3
It's a heart-ache eith-er way,
 3*  -4  -4 -4
But beau-ti-ful...

 2  -2   -2*  -2*  -3 -5   -4   -3
And I'm think-ing, if you were mine,
 3   6  5  -4  -3  3
I'd nev-er let you go.
 3   -5   -5   -5  3   4   4   4
And that would be but beau-ti-ful,
-2* 3
I know.

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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