Prelude #2 (Blue Lullaby) Harp Quartet

Prelude #2 (Blue Lullaby) Harp Quartet

Автор мелодии: George Gershwin
Requires one 12 hole Chromatic,
two 16 Hole Chromatics,
and 1 Double Bass Hohner 268.

Tab Notations: none = blow    - = draw  
* = button in  g = grace note 
 ____= hold/sustain
. = on lower register (first 4 of 16 hole)
|    | = measure
-.2/-.2*= draw 2 with slide half depressed
__|__ = hold note into the next measure
.2*x.4* = play 2 & 4 w button in, but not 3

Double Bass Notations: Blow only 
L = lower harp
u = upper harp

1st Harpist: 12 hole
2nd Harpist: 16 hole
3rd Harpist: 16 hole
4th Harpist: Double Bass - Extended
4/4 time
1st: |               |               |
2nd: |               |               |
3rd: |.2 .2* .4*  .2*|.2 .2* .4*  .2*|
4th: |u6 u10 u16 u10 |u6 u10 u16 u10 |

1st: |                |            3* -4 3*| 
2nd: |                |                    |
3rd: |.2  .2* .4*  .2*|.2  .2*  .4*   .2*  |
4th: |u6  u10 u16  u10|u6  u10  u16   u10  |

1st: |-4  3*     3* -4 3*|
2nd: |                   |
3rd: |.2 .2* .4*    .2*  |
4th: |u6 u10 u16   u10   |

1st: |-4 3*      3*  -4 3*|
2nd: |                    |
3rd: |.2  .2* .4*    .2*  |
4th: |u6  u10 u16   u10   |

1st: |-4 3* 4* 3* -4  3*  4*  3*|
2nd: |                          |
3rd: |.2   .2*    .4*    .2*    |
4th: |u6   u10    u16   u10     |

1st: |g4* -4 3*    4*       4*|
2nd: |                        |
3rd: |    .2   .2*    .4*  .2*|
4th: |    u6   u10    u16 u10 |

1st: | 4*  -6*  -7*  -6*|
2nd: |                  |
3rd: |-.3* -.4  -2   -.4|
4th: | u9  u14  u19  u14|

1st: | 4* -3* 3* 3  -2* -5*     g-4*g-5*|
2nd: |                                  |
3rd: |-.3*   -.4    .4__________________|
4th: | u9    L10   u10     u17          |

1st: | 5*_________________|
2nd: |-.3*  -.3   .3*  -.3|
3rd: | .2    .2* -.2*  -.3|
4th: |u13_________________|

1st: |__5*_______    5* 6 5*|
2nd: |-.3*  -.3   .3* -.3   |
3rd: | .2    .2* -.2*  .2*  |
4th: |u13___________________|

1st: |6 -6*___     5* 6  5*|
2nd: |                     |
3rd: |.3*  -.3  -.3* .3*   |
4th: |u9   u13  L15  u9    |

1st: |    5*  6  5*  -3  3* 2 1__|
2nd: |-.3   -.3*     -.4   .4    |
3rd: | .1*________-.2/-.2*_______|
4th: |L10_______    u10__________|

1st: |_1*_______________________|
2nd: |                3*  3* -3*|
3rd: |        .1* .2 .1* .2  .2*|
4th: |u16____                   |

1st: |1*____                    |
2nd: |                3*  3* -3*|
3rd: |        .1* .2 .1* .2  .2*|
4th: |u2____                    |

1st: |                   |
2nd: |                   |
3rd: |.2  .2*  .4*    .2*|
4th: |u6  u10  u16    u10|

1st: |             7* -8  7*|
2nd: |             3* -4  3*|
3rd: |.2  .2*  .4*    .2*   |
4th: |u6  u10  u16    u10   |

1st: |-8  7*  -5* 5* 7* -8  7*|
2nd: |-4  3*         3* -4  3*|
3rd: |.2     .2*  .4*   .2*   |
4th: |u6     u10  u16   u10   |

1st: |-8  7* -5*   5* 7* -8  7*|
2nd: |-4  3*          3* -4  3*|
3rd: |.2     .2*   .4*   .2*   |
4th: |u6     u10   u16   u10   |

1st: |-8 7* 8* 7* -8  7* 8* 7*|
2nd: |-4 3* 5* 3* -4  3* 5* 3*|
3rd: |.2   .2*    .4*   .2*   |
4th: |u6   u10    u16   u10   |

1st: |-8 7* -5*    5* 8*   8*|
2nd: |-4 3*           5*   5*|
3rd: |.2    .2*   .4*   .2*  |
4th: |u6    u10   u16   u10  |

1st: | 8*  -10*  -11*  -10*|
2nd: | 5*  -6*   -7*   -6* |
3rd: |-.3* -.4   -2*   -.4 |
4th: | u9  u14   u19   u14 |

1st: |g-9*8*  -7*  7*  7  -6*  -9*    g9*g-9*|
2nd: |    4*  -3*  3*  3   2*  -5*    g4*    |
3rd: |  -.3*      -.4    -.4*________________|
4th: |    u9       L10     u10      u17      |

1st: |9*  -9*  9*  -9*  9*__________|
2nd: |5*       5*       5*__________|
3rd: |-.3*              -3  .3*  -.3|
4th: | u13__________________________|

1st: |__9*_____      9* 10 9*|
2nd: |__5*_____      5*  6 5*|
3rd: |-.3*  -.3  .3*   -.3   |
4th: |u13____________________|

1st: |10  10*_          9* 10 9*|
2nd: | 6  -7*_ -7   7*  5*  6 5*|
3rd: |.3*      -.3 -.3*    .3*  |
4th: |u9       u13  L15    u9   |

1st: | -7 8* 10  9*  -7  7*  6   1*_|
2nd: |-.3   -.3*     -.4    -.4*    |
3rd: |.1________  -.2/-.2*__________|
4th: |L10_______ u10________________|

1st: |_1*_______________________________|
2nd: |                3*  3*  -3*       |
3rd: |      .1*  .2  .1* .2       -.2*__|
4th: | u6____                           |

1st: |_1*______________________________|
2nd: |                3*  3*      2*   |
3rd: |      .1*  .2  .1* .2  -.3*   .1*|
4th: | u6____                          |

1st: |-2* -2* -2*  -2*|
2nd: |-.4 -.4 .4*  .4*|
3rd: |.1* -.2*        |
4th: |u9      L11__u11|

1st: | 2*      2*      2*     2*   |
2nd: |-.4    -.4     -.4    -.4    |
3rd: |                             |
4th: |u13 u13 u14 u13 L18 L18  u17 |

1st: |-2*     -2*     -2*      2*    |
2nd: |.4*     .4*     .4*     -.4    |
3rd: |                               |
4th: |L18 u13 u14 u16 u18 u18     u17|

1st: | 2       2      2        2     |
2nd: |-.3*    -.3*   -.3*     -.3*   |
3rd: |                               |
4th: |u16 u11 u13 L15 u17 u17     u16|

1st: | -1*   -1*    -1*      -1*    |
2nd: |-.4   -.4     -.4      -.4    |
3rd: |                              |
4th: |u15   u16 u9_____ u10  L12 u14|

1st: |-1*       -1*            2*      2*   |
2nd: |-.4       -.4          -.4      -.4   |
3rd: |                                      |
4th: |u15  u16  u14  gu14gL15 u14  u13   u12|

1st: |-2*  -2*   -2*      -2*      |
2nd: |-.3* -.3*  -.3*     -.3*     |
3rd: |                             |
4th: |u13________u13  u11  u13  u14|

1st: | 3*          3*           3*      3|
2nd: |-.4        -.4          -.4     -.4|
3rd: |                                   |
4th: |L15   L15   L15   L15 gu16L15 u14  |

1st: |-2*           -2*      -2*      -2*|
2nd: | 1             1        1        1 |
3rd: |                                   |
4th: |    gu17 L18  L18  L18 L18  u18    |

1st: | 2*       2*   2*        2*|
2nd: |-.4       -.4  -.4      -.4|
3rd: |                           |
4th: |L17  u17  u10  u12  u13  u6|

1st: | 1_________ -1__________|
2nd: |-.3*_______ -.4_________|
3rd: |                        |
4th: | u8 u9 u10__ u8 u9 u10  |

1st: | 1             |
2nd: |-.3            |
3rd: |               |
4th: | u9 u10 u11 u12|

1st: |-4*             -4           |
2nd: | 3*              3           |
3rd: |-1*             -1           |
4th: |u15 u16 u17 u16__ u15 u16 L17|

1st: |-3*   3*  |
2nd: |-2*   3   |
3rd: | 1*  -1   |
4th: |u16_______|

1st: |                 |
2nd: |                 |
3rd: |.2  .2*  .4*  .2*|
4th: |u6  u10  u16  u10|

1st: |             3* -4  3*|
2nd: |                      |
3rd: |.2  .2*  .4*    .2*   |
4th: |u6  u10  u16    u10   |

1st: |-4 3*______      3* -4   3*|
2nd: |                           |
3rd: |.2    .2*    .4*    .2*    |
4th: |u6    u10    u16    u10    |

1st: |-4 3*______       3* -4  3*|
2nd: |                           |
3rd: |.2      .2*   .4*   .2*    |
4th: |u6      u10   u16   u10    |

1st: |-4 3*  g-4* 4* 3* -4 3* g-4* 4* 3*|
2nd: |                                  |
3rd: |.2         .2*    .4*       .2*   |
4th: |u6         u10    u16       u10   |

1st: |-4 3*        4* 4* |
2nd: |                   |
3rd: |.2   .2*  .4*  .2* |
4th: |u6   u10  u16  u10 |

1st: | 4*  -6*  -7*  -6*|
2nd: |                  |
3rd: |-.3* -.4  -1*  -.4|
4th: | u9  u14  u19  u14|

1st: |g5*g-5* 5* -3* 3* 3 -2* -5* g5*g-5*|
2nd: |                                   |
3rd: |      -.3*    -.4  -.4*_____       |
4th: |       u9     L10  u10  u17        |

1st: |  5* -5*  5*  -5*  5*__________|
2nd: |-.3*             -.3   .3* -.3 |
3rd: | .2*              .2* -.2*  .2*|
4th: |u13____________________________|

1st: |_5*_______  9*  10 9*|
2nd: | .2   .2*   5*   6 5*|
3rd: |-.3* -.3 .3*   -.3   |
4th: |u13__________________|

1st: |10  g10* -10_________      9* 10 9*|
2nd: | 6       -6* -7     7*     5*  6 5*|
3rd: |.3*          -.3  -.3*  .3*        |
4th: |u9           u13   L15  u9         |

1st: |    5*  6  5* -3  3* 2  1*__|
2nd: |-.3   -.3*   -.4    .4      |
3rd: |.1*_________-2/-2*__________|
4th: |L10_________ u10____________|

1st: |_1*_____________________________|
2nd: |                3*   3*      -3*|
3rd: |      .1*  .2  .1*  .2  -.2*    |
4th: |u6___                           |

1st: |_1*____________________________|
2nd: |                3*   3*      -3|
3rd: |      .1*  .2  .1*  .2  -.2*   |
4th: |u1___                          |

1st: |              3*          7*      |
2nd: |             -1*         -5*      |
3rd: |.2*x.4*      .2* .3*  1*  2* 3* 4*|
4th: |u6      u10  u6___________________|

1st: | 7*         11*_______________|
2nd: |-5*         -9*_______________|
3rd: | 2*  3*  4*  6*_______________|
4th: |_u6___________________________|

1st: |_11*________________|
2nd: |_-9*________________|
3rd: |__6*________________|
4th: |L19____________u6___|
Жанр: Блюз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Сложность: Средняя
Ключ гармошки: E

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