Youre A Grand Old Flag

Youre A Grand Old Flag

9    8   7    7   7
You're a grand old flag

  -6   6   7  -8 -7   7
You're a high flying flag

 -6  6 7 -6  6   7   -6   6   -7
And forever in peace may you wave.

   6    -6  -7 7  8   6    7 -8  8
You're the emblem of the land I love

 7   -8  8   7   -8   8   7   -8
The home of the free and the brave.

 9 8    7    7     7
Ev'ry heart beats true

  -6    6   7    -8    -7   7
'Neath the red, white and blue,

  -6   -6     -6 -8 8  -9   8   -8
Where there's never a boast or brag.

  6     7    7  7   8    -8  7 -8
Should Auld Acquaintance be forgot,

 6     6  -6   7 -6    7   -8   8        
Keep your eye on the Grand Old Flag.
Жанр: Патриотизм
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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