Always Late With Your Kisses (chromatic)

Always Late With Your Kisses (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Lefty Frizzell, Dwight Yoakam
By: Lefty Frizzell & Blackie Crawford
Lefty Frizzell, Dwight Yoakam
Key: C

 3  6 -5 4-33  -3    4   -3  1
Al-ways late with your kiss-es
  6    6    6  6  6    6
Won't you come to my arms 
  6   6-543 4   6  6 -5
sweet darl-in' and stay
3  6 -5 4-33  -3    4   -3  1  
Al-ways late with your kiss-es
 6   6   6  6   5   3   3  3  -4  -5   5
Why, oh why do you want to do me this way

 5   -6  -6  5    -3  6 -54  3 
How long do you think I can wait
 -5 -5-4   4    -3   -4  3   -3 3
When you know you're al-ways late
3  6 -5 4-33  -3   4    -3  1
Al-ways late with your kiss-es
 6   6   6  6   5   3   3  3  -4  -5   5
Why, oh why do you want to do me this way

Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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