You’re My Everything (chromatic)

You’re My Everything (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: The Temptations, Nat King Cole
By: Mort Dixon, Joe Young, Harry Warren
The Temptations, Nat King Cole
Key: C

  6    -5 -5  4   2   1   2    3    4  -4
You're my ev'ry-thing un-der-neath the sun. 
  -3   2  3 -2*  -2*   -2*   -3 4 -2*  2
You're my ev'ry-thing rolled up in-to one. 
  -1   2  3  3    3
You're my on-ly dream, 
3 -3*-3* -3* -3* -3 3  3
my on-ly real re-al-i-ty. 
  -3   -4 4  4  4  4 -4   -3  -4   4  -5 3  3
You're my i-dea of a per-fect per-son-al-i-ty. 
  6    -5 -5  4   2    1  2    3   4  -4
You're my ev'ry-thing, ev'ry-thing I need. 
  -3    2   3  -2* -2* -2* -3   4  -5  -4
You're the song I sing and the book I read. 
 -3*  -4  4  4   4   4   -5
You're a-way be-yond be-lief 
 6   -5  4   -3 -2*  -1
and just to make it brief, 
  2   -2*  3   3   -3* -3*    -3
You're my Win-ter, Sum-mer, Spring
3  -5  6   5
my ev'ry-thing.
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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