With These Hands — HARMONICA.RU

With These Hands

Автор мелодии: Tom Jones
You can hear Tom sing this on Youtube

-5     -5   -5       5  -5    -6   6  6
With These Hands     I will cling to you
 -6  -6   -6  -6-6 b-6 -6 -8
I`m yours for-ever and  a day
  7    7     7      -7  7     8   -8 -8
With These Hands     I will bring to you
-6 -6-6   -6  -6  7   -7  6
A tender love as warm as May
-5    -5   -5        5  -5   -6   6  6
With this heart      I will sing to you
 -6  -6-6    -6   -6  b-6   -6    -6      8
Long after stars have lost their glow    and
 -9   -9    -9        8   -9 9   -9  -9
With These Hands    I`ll provide for you
   8    -9   9 -9 -9 8    9  -9    -9   8   9
Should there be a stormy sea I`ll turn the tide
-9  -9       8   -8  7 -5     8  -8  7 -5
for you     and I`ll never   no I`ll never
-6   6   -5~~~~
let you go~~~~
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: G

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