Will You Love Me Tomorrow (chromatic)

Will You Love Me Tomorrow (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Carole King
By: Gerry Goffin & Carole King
Key: G

3    3    -3     3   -4  -4 -3 -3
To-night you're mine com-plete-ly. 
 3   3    -3    3  6    6 -5-5
You give your love so sweet-ly. 
4   -4   -2*  -4   -3  -3  3  -2* -3   3
To-night the light of love is in your eyes. 
 3    3   -4    -4  -3 -3 -3-4-33
Will you still love me to-mor-row. 

3   3  -3  3   -4   -4 -3 -3
Is this a last-ing treas-ure 
3   3  -3 3    3      6 -5 -5
Or just a mo-ment's pleas-ure 
 4 -4 -2* -4   -3  -3  3  -2* -3    3
Can I be-lieve the mag-ic of your sigh 
 3    3   -4    -4  -3 -3 -3-4-33
Will you still love me to-mor-row. 

6    6    6     6   6  6 -5 -5
To-night with words un-spok-en. 
 6   6   6    6   6  -5 5 -4-33
You say that I'm the on-ly one. 
 6   6   6    6   6  6 -5 -5
But will my heart be brok-en. 
 -4  -3   -3 3  -4   -4   -3   6   6
when the night meets the morn-ing sun 

 3   3   -3  3    -4   -4 -3 -3
I'd like to know that your love 
3   3  -3  3  6  6 -5 -5 
is love I can be sure of. 
4   -4 -2* -4   -3 -3   3   -2* -3  3
So tell me now, and I won't ask a-gain, 
 3    3   -4    -4  -3  -3 -3-4-33
will you still love me  to-mor-row. 

4   -4 -2* -4   -3 -3   3   -2* -3  3
So tell me now, and I won't ask a-gain, 
 3    3   -4    -4  -3  -3 -3-4-33
will you still love me  to-mor-row. 
 3    3   -4    -4  -3  -3 -3-4-33
will you still love me  to-mor-row.
 3    3   -4    -4  -3  -3 -3-4-33
will you still love me  to-mor-row.
 3    3   -4    -4  -3  -3 -3-4-33
will you still love me  to-mor-row.
Жанр: 60-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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