We’ve Only Just Begun (chromatic)

We’ve Only Just Begun (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: The Carpenters
W: Paul Williams
M: Roger Nichols
The Carpenters
Key: C

-1    2  3    3  -5 -4  4   -5
We've on-ly just be-gun to live
-6*    6   -5   -4  -3 3 
White lace and prom-is-es 
3  -6*  7    7    6   -5   -4  4  -3
A kiss for luck, and we're on our way 
-1   2    3     3  -5 -4
And yes we've just be-gun 


6    -4  3* -4  4*   2   -3  3* -2* 3*
Shar-ing hor-i-zons that are new to us 
6     -4   3*  -4   4*  2  -3   3*
Watch-ing the signs a-long the way 
-5*  -5* -4-5* 6*   3*   4*  4  -3* 4
Talk-ing it ov-er, just the two of us 
-5*  -5* 5   -5* 6*   3* 4*  4
Work-ing to-geth-er, day to day 
-4  3   -3

Verse 2 
Before the rising sun, we fly 
So many roads to choose 
We start out walking, and learn to run 
And yes we've just begun 


Verse 3 
And when the evening comes, we smile 
So much of life ahead 
We'll find a place 
where there's room, to grow 
And yes we've just begun
Жанр: 70-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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