We Will Glorify

We Will Glorify

Автор мелодии: Twila Paris
We Will Glorify
    You will need a D harp for this song.

 5   6   -6 6  6 
We will glo-ri-fy

 -4  -4   5   5
the King of kings;

 5   6  -6   6  6
We will glo-ri-fy 

 -4   5
the lamb.

 5  6    -6  6  6
We will glo-ri-fy

 -4  -4   5   5
the Lord of lords.

5 6 -5  5    5   -4 4
Who is the great I AM.
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: D

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