Two Cigarettes In The Dark

Two Cigarettes In The Dark

Автор мелодии: Bing Crosby
W: Paul Francis Webster
M: Lew Pollock
From: “Kill That Story”
Bing Crosby
Key: Eb

3    -1  -1*-2  -1*   -1  1   3*
Two, two cig-a-rettes in the dark 
2     -2   3  -2    -1* -1
He strikes a match 'til the 
-3*    -5   5  -5* -5*
Spark clear-ly trac-es 
-2    4  4  -1   4    -3*
One face is my sweet-heart
3    -1  -1* -2   -1*  -1 1  3*
Two, two sil-hou-ettes in a room 
2   -2  3    -2  -1* -1   -3*
Al-most ob-scured by the gloom 
-5   5 -5*  -5*  -2   4  4 -1 -1*
We were so close yet so far a-part
-1* -2   -2    4  4  -2    3  -2
It hap-pened that I stum-bled in 
-1*-2   -2   4   4   -2
Up-on their ren-dez-vous
-2  2   2    -4    -4    2  -2*  2   
I heard my sweet-heart whis-per-ing 
2   -2  -2  -2  -2* -2*
"I love you, I love you, 
-2*  3     3  3 4
you know that I do." 
3    -1  -1*-2   -1*  -1  1   3* 
Two, two cig-a-rettes in the dark
2    -2  3   -2   -1* -1   -3*
Gone is the flame and the spark 
-5    4   -4   5  -5*
Leav-ing just re-grets 
3*   3*  3  3*  4    -1 -1  -1*
and two cig-a-rettes in the dark
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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