Tis The Last Rose Of Summer — HARMONICA.RU

Tis The Last Rose Of Summer

Автор мелодии: The Celtic Women, Charlotte Church, Nina Simone
Слова: Thomas Moore
Музыка: Richard Milliken
Тайминг: 3/4

 -2   3   -3  -6 6 6-5 5  -3
'Tis the last rose of sum-mer 
 -2   -3 4 -3 -33 -2
left bloom-ing a-lone
-2   3   -3  -6 6-5  5   -3
All her love-ly com-pan-ions 
-2  -3 4-3 -33  -2
are fad-ed and gone
4   -6  6  -5  5   5   -3
No flow-er of her kin-dred, 
5-3 -6 6 -5 5* -56-55*-56-6...
no rose-bud is    nigh
-2 3   -3    -6  6-5   5   -3
To re-flect back her blush-es 
-2 3 -3 4-3 -33  -2   -2 
Or   give   sigh for sigh

 -2   3   -3   -6 6  6-5   5   -3
I'll not leave thee, thou lone one, 
-2 3 -3 4-3 -33 -2  -2
to   pine   on the stem
 -2    3   -3  -6 6-5   5   -3
Since the love-ly are sleep-ing, 
-2 3 -3 4 -33  -2   -2
go sleep thou with them
4 -3  -6 6-5  5    5   -3
Thus kind-ly I’ll scat-ter 
4-3   -6 6 -5  5* -56-55*-56-6... 
thy leaves on the     bed
 -2    3   -3   -6 6-5 5 5 -3
Where thy mates of the gar-den 
-2 3-34-3 -33  -2   -2
lie scent-less and dead

-2 3 -3 -6 6 6-5 5  -3
So soon may   I fol-low 
 -2 3 -3 4-3 -33  -2 -2
when friend-ships de-cay
-2   3     -3    -6 66-5 5 5 -3
And from love's shin-ing cir-cle 
-2 3 -3 4-3 -33 -2 -2
the gems    drop a-way
 4 -3 -6 6  -5    5   5    -3
When true hearts lie with-ered 
5 -3 -6 6 -5   5* -56-55*-56-6...  
and fond ones are    flown
-23 -3  -6 6 6-5 5  -3
Oh who would in-hab-it 
 -2 3 -3 4 -3 -33 -2 -2
this bleak world  a-lone?
 -2 3 -3 4 -3 -33 -2 -2
This bleak world a-lone
Жанр: Кельтские
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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