Three O’Clock In The Morning — HARMONICA.RU

Three O’Clock In The Morning

Автор мелодии: Lou Rawls, The Andrew Sisters
Слова: Dorothy Terriss
Музыка: Julian Robledo
Тайминг: 3/4

 7     5  -4   5   6   7   -9   9
It's three o'clock in the morn-ing
 -8     8    -7    7    -3*   -4
We’ve danced the whole night thru
 7  -5    5*   -5  -6*  -7  10  -9
And day-light soon will be dawn-ing
 9   -8   -9    8    -7   7
Just one more waltz with you
 7    5 -4 5  6  7   -9    8
That mel-o-dy so en-tranc-ing
  8   -8 8   -9   8  7* -7
Seems to be made for us two
-7  7*   -7   8    -8   -7  8    7   6 -6* 7
I could just keep right on danc-ing for-ev-er, 
 6     -5   5
dear, with you
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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