Three Cheers For The Red, White And Blue — HARMONICA.RU

Three Cheers For The Red, White And Blue

Three Cheers For The Red, White, And Blue

  -3     4    -4  -4  -4    6    -5   5
Three cheers for the Red, White and Blue,

  -3     4    -4  -4  -4    6    -5   5
Three cheers for the Red, White and Blue!

 4-4  6   6 6  -5 5 -4  4  -3  3
The flag of A-mer-i-ca for-ev-er,

 -66    -55   -4  4   -3    3    -3   4
Three cheers for the Red, White and Blue!
Жанр: Патриотизм
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: D

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