They Call The Wind Maria (chromatic) — HARMONICA.RU

They Call The Wind Maria (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: from: "Paint Your Wagon"
By Lerner & Loewe
From “Paint Your Wagon”
Key: F

1 -2  -3   -3   3*  -3 -2  -2
A-way out here they got a name 
1    -2  -3   -3   3* -3 -2  
for wind and rain and fi-re 
1    -2  -3  -3    3*  -3  4   4
The rain is Tess, the fire is Joe 
-3    4   -5   4   -3  3  -3-3
and they call the wind Ma-ri-a 

1  -2-3  -3    3*  -3  -2   -2
Ma-ri-a blows the stars a-round 
1    -2   -3    -3   3* -3 4
and sends the clouds a-fly-in' 
4  -5-3  -3   -5   4    -3    -3
Ma-ri-a makes the moun-tain sound 
4      -5    4  -3   3   -3 -2
like folks were up there dy-in' 

4  -5-3  -5 4 -3
Ma-ri-a, Ma-ri-a 
4     -5   4   -3  3  -3-3
They call the wind Ma-ri-a 

1   -2 -3  -3  3* -3 -2   -2
Be-fore I knew Ma-ri-a's name 
1    -2   -3   -3   3*  -3  -2
and heard her wail and whin-in' 
1 -2 -3  -3   3* -3   4  4
I had a girl and she had me 
-3   4  -5   4  -3   3   -3  -3
and the sun was al-ways shin-in' 
1    -2  -3  -3  3* -3  -2  -2
But then one day I left my girl 
1  -2  -3  -3  3*  -3   4
I left her far be-hind me 
4   -5  -3   -3   -5  4   -3   -3   
And now I'm lost, so gol-durn lost 
4   -5  4 -3   3   -3  -2
not ev-en God can find me 

4  -5-3  -5 4 -3
Ma-ri-a, Ma-ri-a 
4     -5   4   -3  3  -3-3
They call the wind Ma-ri-a
4  -5-3  -5 6  6 (or -3)
Ma-ri-a, Ma-ri-a,
-6   5   -3*  3 -2
Blow my love to me
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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