There’s A Kind Of Hush (Tin Man Version)

There’s A Kind Of Hush (Tin Man Version)

Автор мелодии: Engelbert Humperdinck
5     -4  6   6  6  6
There's a kind of a hush

 8 -8 7  -7  -6    -6 -7
all over the world tonight,

 8 -8 7  -7   -6    -6 -5  -6   
All over the world you can hear

 7    -7  -7  -7  7  -8   6
the sounds of lovers in love.

6   -9     8 -9 8-8   
You know what I mean.

  5   -5   6  6  6    8  -8 7-7 -6   -6  -7
Just the two of us, and nobody else in sight.

  8     -8 7-7  -6   -6 -5  -6  7   
There's nobody else and I'm feeling

-7   -7    -7 7    -8    8
good just holding your tight.

 6   6  5  5 6  -6  5  5   
Now listen very carefully;

 6  -6 5    5  -7  -6   5    5  -4   4 -4
get closer now and you will see what I mean--

-4 -9 8 -9  8-8
It isn't a dream.

 6  6 7    7    8   -6   5    5
The only sound that you will hear

-7 -6   5   5 -7  -6  5    5
Is when I whisper in your ear

-4  4  -4     6 -9 8 -9  8 -8
I love you.  Forever and ever....

                               6 -9 8  -8 -8 7
--repeat from begining--  end  Forever and ever
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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