There But For Fortune (hi & lo)

There But For Fortune (hi & lo)

Автор мелодии: Phil Ochs, Joan Baez
By: Phil Ochs
Joan Baez
Key: G

  8  8  -8   -8  7    8   8  -8  7    
  5  5  -4   -4  4    5   5  -4  4
Show me the pris-on, show me a jail

 8   8   8   -9  8  -8
 5   5   5   -5  5  -4 
Show me the pris-on-er 

  7    -8   -6   7    -7
  4    -4   -3”  4    -3
whose life has grown stale

-8   -8    8   8 -8  -8    7
-4   -4    5   5 -4  -4    4
And I'll show you a young man

 -8  8  -9  8  -8   7  -8
 -4  5  -5  5  -4   4  -4
With so man-y reas-ons why

-8    9    9   9   9   7
-4    6    6   6   6   4
And there but for for-tune, 

7  -8 -67  -7  8-8 7
4  -4 -3”4 -3  5-4 4 
go you or  I   Mm  hm

Show me an alley, show me a train
Show me a hobo who sleeps out in the rain
And I'll show you a young man
With so many reasons why
There but for fortune, 
go you or go I

Show me the whiskey stains on the floor
Show me a drunk as he stumbles out the door
And I'll show you a young man
With many reasons why
There but for fortune, go you or I

Show me a country where the bombs had to fall
Show me the ruins of buildings so tall
And I'll show you a young land
With many reasons why
There but for fortune, go you or I
You or I
Жанр: Фолк
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: G

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