The Times They Are A Changing

The Times They Are A Changing

Автор мелодии: Bob Dylan
4    4  4    4     4  -4  
come gather  round people  
5   6 6   6   6  
wherever you roam  
 3  -3  4   4    4  4 -4  
and admit that the waters  
4 -3   -3   -3   -3  
around you have grown  
3    -3 4    4  4    4  
and accept it that soon  
  4    -4     5    5  5   5  
You'll be drenched to the bone  
 4  -4    5   5   5  
If your time to you  
-5  5     -4 -4  
Is worth saving 
4     -4   5  5    5     5  5 
Then you better start swimming  
 5    5     5    5  5   5
Or you'll sink like a stone  
 4   -4  5     5   -5  5 -4  4 
For the times they are a-changing.

(Just follow these tabs for the rest of the song)
I play this with a D harmonica but you can use any key.
Жанр: Фолк
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая

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