The Lord’s Prayer (Chromatic) — HARMONICA.RU

The Lord’s Prayer (Chromatic)


 3  -3  2      4   -4  -3   -3  3
Our Fa-ther, which art in  heav-en,

 1  -1  2   -2   -2   2
hal-low-ed   be  Thy name.

 4  -4   -3    3    6   -5   5   -4
Thy king-dom come, Thy will  be  done

-4   4  -3    2   3  1   -1   1
On earth as  it  is  in  heav-en.

-2    2  -3    3   1   -2  -2    2
Give  us this day our  dai ly  bread,

 3   3  -3  -3   -3    3
And for-give us  our debts

 3 -3  2   -2   -2    2    1
As we for-give  our  debt-ors.

 2    2  2   2   -2   -2    3  -3  3
And lead us not  in - to  temp-ta-tion,

 2  2   2  2  2   -2   -3  3
But de-liv-er us  from  e-vil,

 3    4  -4   5    6  -5
For Thine is the King-dom

 5  -5  -6 -5       5  -5  -6  6
And the Pow-er     and the glo-ry,

-5  7  5       -5  5  5
For-ev-er.      A- a-men.
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая

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