The Loner (hi & lo) 3rd pos

The Loner (hi & lo) 3rd pos

Автор мелодии: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Crazy Horse
THE LONER (hi & lo)
By: Neil Young
Crosby, Sills, Nash, & Young,
Crazy Horse
Key: D

This song is tabbed on a C diatonic
3rd pos.

 -8  -8  -9   -9     -9  7 
 -4  -4  -5   -5     -5  4
He's the per-fect strang-er,

 -8 -8   -9   7 -8   -8   7 -8 -87
 -4 -4   -5   4 -4   -4   4 -4 -44
Like a cross of him-self and a fox.

 -8 -8  -9  -9  -9  -9  -8
 -4 -4  -5  -5  -5  -5  -4
He's a feel-ing ar-rang-er

-8  7   7   7  7   7    7  6  -10-8 
-4  4   4   4  4   4    4  3   -6-4 
And a chang-er of the ways he talks.

 -8  -8  -9  -9   -9  -9  -8
 -4  -4  -5  -5   -5  -5  -4
He's the un-fore-seen dan-ger

-8   -9  -9 -9 -9  -9  -8  7  -8 7
-4   -5  -5 -5 -5  -5  -4  4  -4 4
The keep-er of the key to the locks.

 -9   8   -8   9   8
 -5   5   -4   6   5
Know when you see him,

 -9   8  -8    9  -10
 -5   5  -4    6  -6
Noth-ing can free him.

 -9  8  -8   9 -9  8 -8
 -5  5  -4   6 -5  5 -4
Step a-side, o-pen wide,

 7    7  8 7  7
 4    4  5 4  4
It's the lon-er.

If you see him in the subway,
He'll be down at the end of the car.
Watching you move
Until he knows he knows who you are.
When you get off at your station alone,
He'll know that you are.
Know when you see him,
Nothing can free him.
Step aside, open wide,
It's the loner.

There was a woman he knew
About a year or so ago.
She had something that he needed
And he pleaded with her not to go.
On the day that she left,
He died, but it did not show.
Know when you see him,
Nothing can free him.
Step aside, open wide,
It's the loner.
Жанр: 60-е
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: D

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