The Green Door (chromatic)

The Green Door (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Jim Lowe, Shakin' Stevens
By: Bob Davie, Marvin Moore
Jim Lowe, Shakin’ Stevens
Key: A

 6    5*  -6*  -6*  -6*   7*  -6*   6   5*
Mid-night one more night with-out sleep-in` 
  6    5*  -6* -6*  -6*  7*  -6*   6   5*
Watch-ing till the morn-ing comes peep-in` 
  7*    6    -5    -5 -5  5*    -4    5*  -7
Green Door what`s the se-cret you`re keep-in` 

  -7    6  -7  -7 -7 6 -6*  6    -7  -7 -7
There`s an old pi-an-o and they play it hot 
6  -6*   6    -7   8*
Be-hind The Green Door 
  -7   -6*  -7    -7    -7  6
Don`t know what they`re do-in` 
-6*   6    -7 -7 -7  6  -6*   6    -7   8*
but they laugh a lot be-hind The Green Door 
 8*    -7   -8  -8 -8 -8 -8  7*   -7  -7
Wish they`d let me in so I could find out 
  -7   6  -6*   6   -7    8*
what`s be-hind The Green Door 

Knocked once tried to tell them I`d been there 
Door slammed hospitality`s thin there 
Wonder just what`s goin` on in there 

Saw an eyeball peepin` through a smoky cloud 
behind The Green Door 
When I said "Joe sent me" some-one laughed out 
loud behind The Green Door 
All I want to do is join the happy crew behind 
The Green Door
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: A

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